Sunday 7 October 2012

History , Present & Future of Technologies

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Technology is the fast growing industry as of right now and it has no signs of slowing down anytime soon. In fact everything will be ran by technology in the near future. Technology is around us all the time, lately with computers, smart phones and televisions. So much has changed within this particular field over the years, it has come a long way since the days of the printing press and the first cellular phones. Computers and cellular phones are used everyday all over the world, in many different ways. Computers and cell phones help with businesses and work from home opportunities. Social networking and games are also a big part of everyday life of people all over the world within the technology aspect.
lets check out some of the technologies in details :

1)Mobile phones :

The video shows the history of mobile phones .i.e how they evolved until the present technology..

This video missed the present & the most widely used mobile phones popular "ANDROID phones".
In today's world major used smart phones are :
2)Android based phones

check out the latest smartphones most popular today & in upcoming year(2013):

In today's world mobile phones have played an very important role in every one's life. Each of us prefer to watch it at least 20-30 times at it in a day/hour which is much more than number of times we look at our loved ones.
The applications developed for this phones are comparative to our PC applications like Skype,team viewer,etc..


Computer which has changed us & our lifestyle completely. Computer which is the pillars of our new technological world. Computer has become a necessary tool in today's society, without computer it is pretty much hard to do anything.

The video below shows the evolution of computer all over the world..i.e. the history of computers

If you interested to watch how the computer evolved in detail checkout this video
this video describes where do computer come from , how data was stored in previous computers & also how networking came into existence..

now lets check out the future technology..
in future there is no need of keyboard and mouse..
checkout the future technology which will be launched by Microsoft in near future ...

Also we all are aware about small hand-held computers popularly known as "TABLETS. 
check out Top 10 Tablet PC 


 Its the most important thing as they themselves/their things need to be transported between different countries & parts of countries to their close ones. As well as transportation is pillar of commerce as goods needs to be transported..

lets check put from where this transportation evolved
video shows the evolution of transportation all over the world...

now lets check out the future in transportation
video shows the future of transportation expected

For all car lovers the video shows the Future cars
in recent the top car companies in the world are :
to check this company's car related reviews click here

please do give your feedback as well as any further suggestions in comment..any questions related to latest trends i would love to answer ...

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